With ruling no. 437 of 24 August 2022, the Italian Tax Agency clarified that the remuneration in cryptocurrencies received for crypto staking by individuals, outside the business activity, are to be qualified as capital income and imposed pursuant to art. 44 paragraph 1 lett. h) of the TUIR and, if credited to the wallet by an Italian company, the latter is required to apply the withholding tax to the extent of 26% pursuant to Article 26, paragraph 5, of the Presidential Decree 29 September 1973, n. 600; the taxpayer has to declare the capital income in Section I-A "Capital income" of Part RL of the Income Tax Return.
It was also specified that the taxpayer who holds an Italian wallet (Italian wallet provider) is not required to comply with tax monitoring obligations, nor to pay the IVAFE.
Our staff is available for any clarification.