Starting from 1st January 2021, the Moss regime (Mini One Stop: an optional regime usually used in the field of telecommunication, tele-broadcasting services and electronic services offered by taxable person to European customer) will can be carry out by all interested suppliers by electronic declaration.
This is what raised by the latest Directive 2017/2455/UE and will allow to fulfil all VAT obligation with the Authority of the Country of identification of the taxpayer.
This regime will find take effect from the first day of the quarter following the declaration date, or rather, from the supply date, in the cases the professional service was carried out after such declaration (but in this case the declaration have to be issued d within ten days from the month of the supply. In the case of non-compliance with the deadlines above, identification and declaration compulsory in the Country of the costumer.
The tax due has to be deposited at the declaration time and the taxable subject and all VAT subject who simplify the professional services will have to keep of such documents for ten years. This period is effective from the 31st December of the year of performance.
Our staff is available for any clarification.