On March 12th, Avv. Gianvirgilio Cugini will take part, as speaker, to the seminar OAD FCT “New legal liability for the trustee: recent case studies”, with a speech about “Criminal and administrative risks in Italian law”. The following aspects will be examined: fiscal attraction as a stable organizer, cf. recent circulars Revenue Agency and Gdf to the banks of foreign squares, recent cases of financial illegalism, criminal liability of the company according to Italian law 231/2001.
Further topics that will be discussed during the seminar are: the protection of personal data, in particular will be analyzed the news in Swiss and European Law; criminal and imminent penalties and recent case studies.
The conference take place to Centro Studi Bancari Villa Negroni from 08.30 to 12.00.
For more information and the complete program look at the following file.