
Swiss bank Account checked by Italian Tax Authorities

The largest inquiry of Italian Tax Authorities on the bank accounts of Italians taxpayer resident abroad is already official with the group request presented the last week to obtain information about 10.000 Swiss bank positions.

At the moment was request the name of Italians taxpayer, name of foreign legal entity who have bank relationship and deposits at Credit Suisse in Zurich.

Switzerland adopts all the standards promoted by the G20 and OECD and from 2018  will transmit to foreign Tax Authorities (including Italian) the details of accounts held in their Swiss bank.

Italian taxpayers, with undeclared assets, risk heavy penal consequences, considering crime of anti-money laudering.

It is advisable for them to adhere to the Voluntary Disclosure bis.

The study is available to answer your questions.


Studio Elvetico Associato

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