

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024 from 5:30 p.m., the contemporary art exhibition - and workshop - "Mens Sana Negotia Prospera," organized by Banca Credinvest and Stelva Group, will be held at the Consulate General of Italy in Lugano, Via Ferruccio Pelli No. 16.

The meeting will be an opportunity to explore the synergy between mental well-being and business success, passing through the fascinating world of art.

The exhibition of an eclectic selection of works by contemporary artists will serve as a catalyst for an analysis of these issues, presenting evocative works that evoke themes related to mental health, inner balance and mindfulness as foundations for meeting daily challenges and creating a healthy and inclusive work environment.

The event will feature short talks by professionals addressing topics such as stress management, promoting psychological well-being and developing emotional resilience.

Free event accessible by reservation only.

Book: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/868226568037?aff=oddtdtcreator

Pay Attention: Reservations are by name, so you must register each participant with your name.


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